Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Here we are"
We have arrived safely at the Western Horizons Charleston Peak Winery and Resort in Pahrump Nevada. We left Cloverdale monday morning and stayed overnight in Bakersfield. We then decided to move on to Nevada. We arrived with such a filthy Rigg! They have a RV wash right here in the resort. Ralph washed and I rinsed. What a team!
I have to praise my husband for his patience. We had a few minor misshaps since leaving Whalers Rest. The scariest and the funniest was when Oreo locked herselve in the truck while it was warming up with both sets of keys in the car before leaving the KOA in Eureka California. Ralph called GM road assistance ...45 minutes later they came and unlocked the doors. Thank goodness she was alright. I do not handle these things as calm as Ralph. He is truly a treasure!
I am in love with Northern California. The coast and Redlands are breathtaking. I enjoyed the drive. It was fun to see Lemon and Orange trees. I love the palm trees!
The desert is facinating. I thought we would see Hoss and Little Joe Cartright Ride up any second!
This is the nicest resort here. There's no Mudd or Needles to clean up! Hooray!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Farewell Oregon"
Well tommorrow morning we will be leaving Lakeside Oregon and heading south to Eureka California. Here is our Plan......
Thursday - Eureka, Ca
Friday - Cloverdale, Ca
Saturday - " "
Sunday - " "
Monday - Visalia (South Fresno), Ca
Tuesday - Yermo, Ca
Wednsday - Pahrump, Nevada Yeah! Viva Las Vegas!
It will be a long haul for us, but we are very excited and looking forward to the trip.
Remember you can reach us on our cell phones!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The wild bug hunter.

Monday, February 20, 2006

" A new friend at Cannon Beach, Oregon"

Sunday, February 19, 2006

"From Reedsport and Coos Bay , Bandon, Port Orford and Goldbeach".....
Ah so sunny and beautiful! The Ocean was so calm today. The water looked sort of turqoise. The hi today was 49 degrees! The wind about blew us away in Bandon! We walked Oreo around and looked in the shops. She received alot of attention from people...especially children and loved evey bit of it!
There are so many cool shops...from the Myrtlewood to the lighthouse art and shells.
There are alot of beautiful artists around here.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

We arrived safe and sound here in the Oregon Dunes! It was a beautiful sunny but crisp trip! This is a gorgeous RV park on "TENMILE LAKE." We are once again able to use the Internet in our rig so Ralph will be able to post some of our pictures on the Blog! Yeah! It is going to be cold but warmer here than our family and friends up in Washington State. Everyone Stay warm!!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Goodbye South Beach"
Well today is our last day in Newport. The Oregon Aquarium wasn't as good as they lead up too....but it was interesting! I am looking forward to The Oregon dunes in Lakeside. We will be at a Lakeside Resort called Osprey Point. We will be there for one week! It is located between Florence and Coos Bay! I will miss Whalers.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

"Beautiful and Sunny"
This is such beautiful country when the weather is nice! We visited the Yaquina Bay lighthouse and the Umpuqua Lighthouse in the Dunes. We also visited Florence. They Have a 50's style resturaunt full of old cars on the roof and inside. The ones inside are real cars you can sit and eat in. The owners offerd to clear up the table so we could have our lunch in one, however Ralph wouldn't sit in it because it was a "Ford." Well you all know how Ralph Hates Fords!!!!!!!!!
We stopped at beaches and took lots of pictures. On a cliff looking down at Seal Rock the sand and rocks were coverd with Sea Lions sunning themselves! Ralph was able to zoom in on them alot better with his camera although they were quite a ways down there! Tommorrow or monday
we will go to the Aquarium! I can't wait!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Better Luck next Year"
Well The Seattle Seahawks did their best under terrible circumstances. I know I am looking forward to next year ! Thank you Hawks for such an exciting season!
Sunny and warm here in Newport Oregon! Woo Hoo!
We plan on visiting more beaches and taking pictures! We also our looking forward to the Oregon Aquarium. I hope all this rain and wind has finally calmed down around here. Enoughs enough!
With the nice weather ...Ralph and I have been cleaning and decorating or rig to make it look more like our home!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Cross your fingers"
Well today is the day for the Seattle Seahawks to play the game of their lives!
Good luck Seahawks, We wish you all the best...we are proud!
Today is sunny and beautiful here in Newport Oregon. Wow, what a different place it is when the
weather is nice. I will proudly wear my Seahawk hat and shirt, watch the game with my husband and dog.....eat chips / dip and Pizza!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

" Rain Rain Go Away"
I know that rain is important to the planet, but I am sick to death of it. Even so it's beautiful here. Next week we are supposed to have some sunny days! Yeah!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"Old Newport"
Today was Oreos birthday! She is now 2 yrs old! Happy Birthday Oreo!
We decided to check out Old Newport. We thought it was shabby. Most of the shops were cute but alot were closed on the weekdays. Also there were some scary people hanging around the pubs....I wouldn't go inside. We noticed alot of poor and homeless around here, its very sad.
Oreo enjoyes running around on the beach......but she enjoyes walking just about anywhere , especially if there are children and babies around !