Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Well Poulsbo RV screwed up. Someone who works there forgot to order the parts. The stress tear, fiberglass repair and paint are the only things done. So on monday they called Fleetwood and ordered the parts overnight. Our home will be done on friday. Poulsbo is taking the blame, they admitted they messed up. They will pay for our motel stay until the rigg has been fixed. We had to cancel our stay at Tall Chief and several days at Copalis. We are due back at Copalis on Saturday. If our rigg isnt done poulsbo will also pay for the cancellation fee if one is charged. Well, we think its the least they can do right?
Inspite of it all we had wonderful visits with our mothers who are both doing terrific!
We went to Dirty Daves pizza in Olympia with my mom and pigged out on the best pizza on the planet!


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